Part 38: Day 33, The Green Coast, Attack (Part 2)
habituallyred posted:
North while hoping that we run into the kwikmeks rather than the rokkitrangaz.
biosterous posted:
Go North, so that that the the Headchrushaz can do what they truly want, strong and free.
BlazetheInferno posted:
Going for the relic too quickly just leaves our flank exposed. Go North, then south and destroy the banners in those directions first. Alternatively, south, then north. Either order works, just take out the flanks first.

I'll give'em what they want. They won't know what hit them!

Literally, because of stealth and jetpacks

Oi! Dey blew up da big banner!

Huh, Gorgutz ain't so tough. Git' im!

Ain't no grot lovers gonna leave me Waaagh! Chop 'em up, boyz!

Boss! Da Headcrushaz iz rebellin'!

I can see that, ya squig-farmer! Shut yer yap and get back to killin'!

Ya, but, killin' who, Boss?

Da Big Banner iz gone! Da Big Banner iz gone!

I'm da boss now, so shut it! Headcrushaz, we'z on our own now!

The Headcrushaz are ignoring us, Shas'o. We'll capture their strategic point while their remaining forces engage Gorgutz.

Right. I'm heading north to see if I can knock down any more banners. Join me when you can.

Huh. Welp, I've located the Kwikmeks. I guess we can assume that it's the Burna Boyz and Rokkitrangaz to the south.

Haha, thank goodness for the Headcrushaz. While they attack the Kwikmekz and Gorgutz's Boyz, I can safely take out that banner.

Banner's down!
Stealth and jetpacks! Stealth and jetpacks!

Hahaha, Gorgutz' Big Banner got blowed up!

Gorgutz' iz a grot-herder, that one! I should be Boss!

No way! I'm da Boss now!

That's it. The Kwikmekz have turned on Gorgutz, too!

When you can, Shas'o, we've continued north. We've located one of Gorgutz' outposts protecting a slag deposit.

Let's make it ours! We could use the power to field Drones.

Too easy! Hahahaha, stealth and jetpacks! Fire Warriors, news of the front?

It's under control, Shas'o.

Gorgutz continues to send the clans against us, but they're unable to break our lines. We're establishing a forward base amongst the Headhunterz. They're too busy fighting Gorgutz to even notice our presence.

Case in point, we've got our Hammerheads parked here shooting anything that moves. So far no serious attempt has been made to dislodge us.

My Kroot are well-fed. There is nothing more they can learn from these Orkz until they've had a chance to digest.

Good news all around, then. My team has secured the slag deposit. We'll get some Drone Harbingers down here as soon as possible.

I suppose we need to think of our next move, O'Kais. Do we wish to take the Orkz relic? If we disturb their sacred grounds, they are sure to fight harder, though Gregory will likely off-set this. Of course, from our northern position, we can bypass the centre of the map and attack Gorgutz directly.

I've gone scouting south. We could still disrupt the Burna Boyz and Rokkitrangaz if we think it will help our fight at all.

Whatever you think, Shas'o. Our base is well-protected now. Our Kroot Auxiliaries are fighting admirably.

We are well-paid.

Harbingers are ready. We can, at the very least, send a never-ending supply of Drones into Gorgutz' base to harry them.

I vote we head straight to Gorgutz. The Footstompaz are in the way, but if we can destroy the Big Banner, it'll set the Squiggoth back on Gorgutz himself. Worth the risk, if you ask me.

The decision remains with the War Council. War Council, you have many options ahead of you. Which shall we take?